Otago Daily Times

Soldier did not disclose Ukraine plans


Mr Wood said many were coming and going and just a few — somewhere ‘‘in the very low tens’’ — were fighting on the frontline.

Minister of Defence Peeni Henare expressed sorrow and condolence­s to Cpl Abelen’s family.

Support would be provided to the family, he said.

He confirmed no NZDF personnel had been authorised to go into Ukraine to fight.

‘‘The job now is to find out more details. The entire situation is a complicate­d one,’’ Mr Henare said.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nanaia Mahuta also conveyed condolence­s to the family.

Ms Mahuta confirmed the Government would be supporting the return of Cpl Abelen’s body and considered him a citizen and not a soldier, given he was on leave.

She said on the basis of Cpl Abelen’s travel, work would be done through the Ukraine government and his family to try to bring him home.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said news of the soldier’s death was ‘‘devastatin­g to us all’’.

Cpl Abelen’s father, Bryce Abelen, spoke of his son as someone ‘‘always thinking of helping others’’.

‘‘Dominic was in the New Zealand Army for 10 years but never got to fight for his country,’’ he said.

‘‘He didn’t tell us he was going to Ukraine until he was there.

‘‘He knew we would talk him out of it. He also knew the risks of going there but still went to fight for them.

‘‘We understand why he went and hold no grudge against the New Zealand or Ukraine Army and fully support what he did.’’

He paid tribute to a ‘‘kind, gentle man’’ who loved the outdoors and tramping.

‘‘I’m extremely proud of my children and especially Dominic for standing up and doing what he thought was right.’’

2/1 RNZIR commanding officer Lieutenant­colonel Cory Neale said Cpl Abelen was a wellliked and respected soldier who had been deployed to Iraq during his time in service.

‘‘Cpl Abelen was a quality junior noncommiss­ioned officer, a trusted goto member of his company and an absolute character who genuinely cared for his soldiers and friends.’’

It is not clear how long Cpl Abelen had been in Ukraine but he had been with other New Zealanders and foreign fighters and had already been engaged in other enemy ‘‘contacts’’.

Sources said he had been involved in a joint operation to retake a frontline trench network.

During a dawn assault, Cpl Abelen was killed in firefight with Russian forces and died instantly, sources said.

An American fighter with the internatio­nal troops is understood to have also died. — The

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