Otago Daily Times

Shania Morado


ONCE welcomed herself, Shania Morado wants to extend that good fortune to others.

Shania arrived in Balclutha from her native Philippine­s with her family in 2015, and said she had been on a journey of personal growth since that time.

‘‘I was quite a shy and selfcontai­ned person in year 9, but over the years I’ve become a lot more confident and open to challenges.

‘‘I’m very aware of those students who don’t necessaril­y get to showcase their talents, so as head girl, I try to open a gateway for them to staff and student leaders.’’

A selfdescri­bed ‘‘allrounder’’, she had inclined towards the sciences more recently.

‘‘I have an inner theatre kid too, and enjoyed performing at Rockquest with a friend earlier this year. I enjoy public speaking and theatre too.’’

She said a scholarshi­p trip to Wellington for the Festival for the Future earlier this year had given her a ‘‘different mindset’’ about her future.

‘‘I built some interestin­g connection­s in Wellington, and I’d now like to take part in some outreach programmes in Third World countries, perhaps through dentistry.’’

A bit of oldfashion­ed sibling rivalry had led to another big passion: basketball.

‘‘My brother was also captain at school, and used to challenge me to play at home. You could say I caught it from him,’’ she joked.

She said news of the Class Act award had brought tears to her mum’s eyes.

‘‘I didn’t think I’d be chosen alongside so many high achievers. We had a good cry together.’’

Achievemen­ts: Head girl (2022); Level 2 merit endorsemen­t for English; NCEA Level 1 merit endorsemen­t for art; diligence for geography (2020); excellence for science (2020); Science Roadshow Explainer Certificat­e (2019); merit in English (2019); excellence for art (2019); merit for PE (2019); speech competitio­n Walker Cup (2018); food tech diligence (2018); PB4L badges: Bronze and silver excellence, bronze respect, bronze and silver perseveran­ce (2018); merit for English, science and PE (2018); hosting events; best talent for singing (2017); vocal group (201820); talent quest (2021); junior and senior production­s; basketball cup, team captain and MVP (2021); badminton (2020); volleyball (2022); Level 4 prehospita­l care for dental profession­al resuscitat­ion; resthome volunteer (202122); assisting with dental procedures, including surgical.

Role model: Audrey Hepburn, a model of elegance and good nature; and my mum, the strongest person I’ve ever known. Hopes for the future: To study dentistry at Otago University, and do Third World outreach.

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