Otago Daily Times

Oranga Tamariki to cut 447 jobs, MOE 565


WELLINGTON: Oranga Tamariki confirmed yesterday 447 jobs will be cut, reducing its workforce by 9%.

A few hours later, it was announced a total of 565 jobs at the Ministry of Education (MOE) would also be cut, including 225 that RNZ understand­s are currently vacant.

Oranga Tamariki said 632 roles would be disestabli­shed, including 70 vacant roles, and 185 new roles would be created.

About 1900 roles would be affected overall in the ‘‘scope of restructur­ing work’’ out of 5100 permanent and fixedterm staff — 37% of its staff.

An Oranga Tamariki staff member, who declined to be named, described yesterday’s meeting on the proposal as gutwrenchi­ng.

She said all business units within the ministry appeared to be affected, with some facing cuts of up to 50%.

‘‘Everything from HR to system leadership to policy to the evidence centre. Everything’s been impacted really in one way or another.’’

The worker said her job was set to be disestabli­shed and she would have to apply for a reduced number of roles.

She said leaders at Oranga Tamariki reiterated the cuts were not a reflection of work ethic.

‘‘It’s just purely numbers, which is such a terrible way to look at it because I work alongside some of the most dedicated, hardworkin­g, passionate people I’ve ever met. And seeing the impact that will have on some of them is horrific.’’

Likely to be significan­tly impacted is the evidence centre, which produces research evaluation, analytics and insights about tamariki, rangatahi, their wha¯nau and the work of Oranga Tamariki.

Of the 632 roles slated to be disestabli­shed, 24% are broadly manager roles and 34% are advisory roles.

About 29% are from ‘‘enabling services functions’’.

Oranga Tamariki’s leadership would be disestabli­shed and consolidat­ed going from eight roles to six, and advice and management support for the chief executive is being downsized.

The office of the chief social worker is being merged with the profession­al practice group, where 92 roles are proposed to be disestabli­shed and 44 new ones created.

There would be a 19% reduction in the total number of roles in those teams ‘‘from current to future state’’.

The ministry is also disestabli­shing the Treaty Response Unit and shifting current responsibi­lities to other areas.

The aim is to create clear lines of accountabi­lity, simplify the structure and enable faster decision making and empower frontline staff to work together more effectivel­y, according to the ministry.

In a statement, Oranga Tamariki chief executive Chappie Te Kani said frontline staff were not part of these changes.

‘‘This change goes to our core as a ministry. It fundamenta­lly moves us away from where we are, towards the kind of ministry we need to be.

‘‘The change also delivers on the savings targets set by the government,’’ he said.

With more than 500 jobs to go at the MOE, it makes the proposal the biggest single slash to a public service agency so far.

A total of 565 positions are set to be axed, including nearly 100 regional and frontline roles directly supporting schools.

The Public Service Associatio­n said it was a brutal and dark day for public servants and the children and young people they supported.

Assistant secretary Fleur Fitzsimons said the proposal included scrapping 87 jobs in the regions.

‘‘People doing work including supporting children with disabiliti­es, migrant and refugee children, advising schools on accessing speech and language therapy, lifting student achievemen­t and helping ensure schools run smoothly.’’

There was also a net reduction of 38 roles supporting pupils with disabiliti­es and learning support needs.

She said the curriculum centre, which provided expertise and resources to teachers on the curriculum, would result in 202 staff being cut from its team.

‘‘While the government has delayed changes to NCEA levels 2 and 3 for two years, it’s clear that these roles will be needed again from 2026, so it’s woefully shortsight­ed to be shedding all the experience and expertise now.

‘‘At a time when student achievemen­t is falling, when school attendance is a challenge, where is the plan for education? It doesn’t add up.’’

In response to the PSA, the MOE said the union had ‘‘mischaract­erised’’ the agency’s proposals as impacting services for children.

Secretary for education Iona Holsted said the proposal had been designed to avoid affecting tamariki.

‘‘To be clear, this is a complex process that has required time, and our proposed changes have been designed to avoid impacts on direct services to children, teachers and principals/leaders.’’

The ministry declined an interview with RNZ and did not answer questions about cuts to specific teams and the affect that would have on learners.

The Ka Ako, Ka Ora/Healthy School Lunches Programme is facing slashes to its staff.

Eight nutrition experts and at least six adviser, including the Te Ao¯ Ma¯ori adviser and food safety adviser, would be axed.

Associate Education Minister David Seymour has previously confirmed the programme itself was under review and was likely to be cut in the Budget.

In a statement, Minister of Education Erica Stanford said savings made by the job cuts would be put into frontline services.

Prime Minister Christophe­r Luxon said there would be more investment into both Oranga Tamariki and the MOE in the Budget at the end of May, but the cuts were expected.

‘‘Those are decisions ultimately for the CEOs of those agencies,’’ he said.

‘‘New Zealanders expect us to make sure that we cut down the waste, we end the wasteful spending, and actually we prioritise our frontline services, our public services.

‘‘I appreciate some of those roles are vacancies and others will be real job losses — that will be a tough time for those individual­s that have been impacted.’’ More than 2000 jobs have been cut from the public service so far as ministries try to achieve budget savings of up to 7.5%.

Minister for Regulation David Seymour previously indicated that figure could hit 7500. — RNZ

❛ It’s just purely numbers, which is such a terrible way to look at it because I work alongside some of the most dedicated, hardworkin­g, passionate people I’ve ever met

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