Otago Daily Times

Racebaitin­g letter cooled relations with Luxon: Letele


WELLINGTON: During last year’s election campaign, motivation fitness guru and community advocate Dave Letele turned up at National Party fundraiser­s.

National leader Christophe­r Luxon supported Mr Letele when his community foodbank was burgled. The two were on friendly terms when it came to text messaging.

‘‘My Labour friends would go: ‘What are you doing?’’’ Mr Letele said.

‘‘Well, I’ve got to explore options. We support whoever is going to support us. I’ve got friends that are hardcore Labour, and I’ve got friends on the Right. They support the work that I’m doing. Anything else doesn’t really matter.’’

But two weeks out from election day, Mr Letele put his name to an open letter from Ma¯ori and community leaders calling out ‘‘racebaitin­g for votes’’.

The next time he messaged Mr Luxon, to congratula­te him on a good joke, the response was much cooler, Mr Letele said.

‘‘The problem now with Chris, is that I signed that letter.

‘‘He was on the news, and he had made a joke about something, so I texted him later and said, ‘Good work’. And his reply was: ‘Why did you sign the letter?’

‘‘I said, ‘Let’s just catch up and go over it in person.’ But it hasn’t worked out that way. I thought we were friends. What’s the problem? I mean, you should call out racism.’’

In a statement, Mr Luxon said there was ‘‘absolutely no rift’’ between them.

‘‘I am a great admirer of Dave and his work. I have visited his facility and even helped pack boxes for his charity and donated personally to BBM,’’ he said.

‘‘There are many people I have not had regular contact with since the election and that is simply because of the demands of the job.’’

Mr Letele flirted with a run for Parliament with Te Pa¯ti Ma¯ori in the Manurewa seat at last year’s election but eventually opted not to stand.

He told RNZ he continued to ‘‘go over’’ the idea of a run for Parliament.

‘‘I have so many people saying, ‘Oh, it’ll change you, don’t do it.’ And I thought, this is why we end up with the politician­s we have now. If every good person that has a community following says, ‘I’m going to join politics’, and everyone tells them not to, and they don’t, then that’s why we don’t have any good politician­s.

‘‘I think at some stage it’s inevitable.’’

He was still most likely to stand with Te Pa¯ti Ma¯ori ‘‘only because they’d be the party to let me be me’’.

Socalled youth ‘‘boot camps’’ had similariti­es with the work his BBM programme did, but the government’s plans had problems, he said.

Oranga Tamariki should not be in charge of the programmes because it was already struggling to do its existing work.

‘‘These kids are used to being treated like s... So treating them like even more s . . . , treating them harshly, what’s that going to do? They’re used to it. But what they’re not used to is love.

‘‘Of course, you’ve got to train them hard, like we do with our rangatahi programmes. But we also have to support them.

‘‘It’s not just about getting shouted out and made to climb mountains and getting abused mentally.’’

He had had little response from the government to his offer to play a role in running boot camps with a more communityb­ased approach, Mr Letele said.

‘‘The problem with these bureaucrat­s and politician­s is they don’t listen. They think they know best; they think they can run everything from Wellington. It doesn’t work that way.

‘‘You’ve got to walk alongside these families long term, support them long term. It’s not popular to instead say, ‘we’re going to invest in these families, so that life’s better for the grandkids’.’’

And when it comes to policy on gangs, from banning patches in public to allowing for gang membership to have extenuatin­g circumstan­ces during sentences, Mr Letele is equally critical.

‘‘You cannot imprison your way out of it. When you’ve got kids joining gangs, and being patched at 9 years old, throwing someone in prison doesn’t solve anything.

‘‘You can’t reduce gang numbers by throwing more people in prison, because prison is the biggest breeding ground for gangs. We have to deal with the root issue here. You can’t imprison your way out of poverty.’’ — RNZ

❛ I thought we were friends. What’s the problem? I mean, you should call out racism Dave Letele

 ?? PHOTO: RNZ ??

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