Otago Daily Times

Changing of the guard for Passing Notes


CIVIS, thank you for your 13year contributi­on. ‘‘Passing Notes” was compulsory reading for me. Your contributi­ons were always relevant, thoughtpro­voking and occasional­ly provocativ­e. I hope you and “your spouse” enjoy many more Dunedin Symphony Orchestra performanc­es. The new Civis has big shoes to fill. Laurette Robinson


We need Civis

As I settled down with a coffee to read Civis on Saturday morning it was with some dismay that I realised he was saying farewell.

Although happy for him after an amazing 13 years of columns I couldn’t help feeling, somewhat selfishly, that we needed his wise and humane view of the world now more than ever.

I have so enjoyed his columns where his beliefs in social democracy have underpinne­d his writing on matters personal, local, regional and indeed universal. They were all written so thoughtful­ly, with warmth and humour often shining through.

I shall greatly miss his columns and wish him all the best for the future.

Ann Rutherford


Armageddon time

The people we elected have just voted for our extinction. Every species – including our highopinio­nofitself one – requires a sustainabl­e environmen­t, that is an either/or, black/white choice; there is no such state as being ‘‘a little bit sustainabl­e’’.

Yet Parliament has just voted ‘‘down with sustainabi­lity’’ – meaning ‘‘up with unsustaina­bility’’. Brilliant; not. I was about to write that our grandchild­ren will abhor everyone involved, but of course, on this trajectory, they won’t be around to do the abhorring.

Murray Grimwood

Waitati .....................................

BIBLE READING: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. — Hebrews 13.8.

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