Piako Post

DairyNZ leader dies after long illness


The dairy industry is mourning the loss DairyNZ chairman and former Fonterra director Michael Spaans, who died after a long illness.

The 54-year-old Te Aroha dairy farmer had been a DairyNZ board member since 2008 and was elected chairman in 2015.

He was also a director of Fonterra from 2013 until January when illness forced an early retirement and had farming interests in the South Island, Chile and the United States.

In a statement, Fonterra chairman John Wilson said the cooperativ­e had lost one of its strongest people.

Spaans was a proud dairy farmer with a passion for Fonterra and the dairy industry, he said.

‘‘He and I go back many years and I saw him approach his illness in the same way he approached everything in life.

He was resolute and determined and did his utmost to continue on as normal. It was a brave fight and I am sure that will not surprise those of you who knew him. I have often talked about the importance of having leaders developing within our ranks and Michael is a very fine example.’’

DairyNZ acting chairman Barry Harris said he would be greatly missed by the board, staff, farmers and the wider Waikato community.

‘‘His passion and knowledge of the sector, and dedication to improving outcomes for dairy farming profitabil­ity and sustainabi­lity are well known.’’

A replacemen­t DairyNZ chairman would be announced soon, along with a replacemen­t solution for a new farmer director.

DairyNZ’s chief executive Dr Tim Mackle said Spaans always had a presence because he was thoughtful, considered, and passionate about farming.

‘‘Besides his love and dedication to his family, he was also dedicated to DairyNZ, even ill, he made such an effort to add value to our organisati­on.’’

Spaans grew up on a family farm at Tauhei, near Morrinsvil­le and attended Mangatepar­u School, Morrinsvil­le Intermedia­te and Morrinsvil­le College.

He later took over his parents’ farm at Manawaru, living there with his wife Kristina and their three children, now aged 16, 20 and 22, until his death.

A keen basketball­er as a young man, Michael started his farming career in Te Aroha as a sharemilke­r and got into governance around the time of the creation of Fonterra.

He started with the old New Zealand Dairy Group shareholde­rs’ council and continued to serve as Te Aroha Ward representa­tive when the council and company became part of Fonterra.

From there he has held many governance positions, dedicating his life to improving farming in New Zealand.

He was also part of the first intake for the Fonterra Governance Developmen­t Programme, and later served on the boards of ASB Bank, Shoof Internatio­nal, DairyNZ, Manuka SA, Waikato Innovation Park, Innovation Waikato and Ospri New Zealand.

Wilson said he brought this experience, along with a huge level of energy and commitment to Fonterra’s board, and won the respect of other directors and farmers for his willingnes­s to listen and engage.

‘‘Michael was a man who knew the importance of detail. He made sure that he knew this business extremely well, understood our strategy and was completely across the detail of the numbers.’’

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? DairyNZ chairman Michael Spaans is described as a proud dairy farmer with a passion for Fonterra and the dairy industry.
SUPPLIED DairyNZ chairman Michael Spaans is described as a proud dairy farmer with a passion for Fonterra and the dairy industry.

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