Rodney Times

Improving self-esteem


That would be my husband. However, when we go out for a cuppa, The Local in Manly is a favourite with friends, or Esquires in the Plaza if I want a comfortabl­e spot to relax and write. Self-esteem plays a big part in who we are and sometimes people feel that they need help in that area.

For some people, Liz Weatherly’s Heal Your Life workshops are the cure.

For four years life coach and teacher Weatherly has been working with people to help them identify and work on their values as a person.

‘‘I love helping people reveal other ways of thinking and looking at themselves. Some people are at their best when they feel great about themselves and are able to identify what they need to be happy.’’

Weatherly’s top three tips to improve one’s self-esteem are-

To spend time noticing what it is that you are thinking about yourself.

To see if you can choose to think different through more self support and being kinder to yourself.

When cleaning your teeth in the mirror, spend time looking into your eyes saying, ‘‘you are okay, you are doing the best that you can, and you are a great person.’’

‘‘At first people will find they argue with themselves, but that is normal. If people keep saying positive things to themselves then they will start to notice truth within what they are saying or thinking.’’

Weatherly offers individual and group sessions to help with selfesteem and other limitation­s.

For more informatio­n visit

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