Rotorua Daily Post

GP clinic becomes a reality for Matata


A new health service has been set up to service the Matata community.

The service, which was launched on June 26 by Radius Medical and Ngati Rangitihi, will see a doctor working one morning a fortnight at the Matata Community Health Centre in Mair Street, Matata.

Practice nurse clinics will also be held; the first being an immunisati­on clinic for babies and children on July 31.

The service is the result of collaborat­ion between a group of local organisati­ons and Radius Medical, Whakatane.

General manager Mairi Lauchland said they saw the need for local health care in the Matata community.

‘‘I was put in touch with Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi Trust to discuss how we could do this,’’ she said. ‘‘They had been looking for ways to enhance social services and support in Matata and we were soon talking about

‘‘They [trust] had been looking for ways to enhance social services in Matata and we were soon talking about making aGP clinic a reality.’’

ways we could work together to make a GP clinic a reality.

‘‘I’m grateful to the trust for the way they have supported their community and us.’’

Mrs Lauchland said a medical receptioni­st from the community had been appointed. ‘‘We have also been generously supported by the Matata Community Health Centre committee, chaired by Dave Wallace. This has allowed us to keep the costs down for patients. We hope to work closely with existing health services in Matata and look forward to continuing this journey with Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi.’’

Patients would have enrolment status via Radius Medical, Whakatane, and could also visit the Whakatane clinic as needed.

The health clinic will be open on Tuesdays from 9am until noon. Dr Stijn de Ruijter will be the regular GP, with support from other medical staff when necessary.

A practice nurse will be available on site for immunisati­ons and other nursing services. Flu vaccinatio­ns will be free to those over 65.

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