Rotorua Daily Post

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Top five

Most read stories on rotoruadai­ 1. 33 arrests on edges of Rotorua's Lakeside Concert 2. Letters to the editor: Rotorua's Lakeside Concert too 'monocultur­al' 3. Rotorua youngster Hayze Perham impresses in Warriors debut 4. Review: Lakeside 2018 in Rotorua a moving community event 5. Opinion: Lakeside a fantastic celebratio­n of local talent


1. At the 1998 Golden Raspberry Award, who won the award for worst actress for her performanc­e in the film GI Jane? 2. Which female warriors in Asia Minor supported Troy against the Greeks? 3. Which African animal’s name means river horse? 4. What is the fourth largest continent? 5. Which Indian religion was founded by Guru Nanak?

Joke of the day

Doctor, Doctor, can I have a second opinion? Of course, come back again tomorrow.


1437: Scotland’s King James I is murdered by would-be usurpers in Scottish Perth. 1792: US President George Washington signs an act creating the US Post Office. 1933: US House of Representa­tives completes congressio­nal action on an amendment to repeal Prohibitio­n — the prevention of manufactur­e, sale or transporta­tion of alcoholic beverages. 1962: Astronaut John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit Earth on Friendship 7 Mercury capsule. 1998: The last power cable supplying downtown Auckland fails, leaving 100 blocks dark for weeks. 2005: The Irish government identifies three top Sinn Fein figure, including Gerry Adams, as members of the IRA command.


Sir William Cornwallis, English admiral (1744-1819); Lucien Pissarro, French artist (1863-1944); Robert Altman, US director (1925-2006); Sidney Poitier, US actor (1927-); Cindy Crawford, US model (1966-); Lili Taylor, US actress (1967-).

Quiz answers

1) Demi Moore; 2) Amazons; 3) Hippopotam­us; 4) South America; 5) Sikhism.


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