Rotorua Daily Post

Getting story straight on much maligned donkeys

- _ Linda Hall

Hawke’s Bay author Bruce Tregonning’s latest book is a refreshing children’s book about kindness and bravery. This is Bruce’s fifth book and in it he tells the tale of Benito, a donkey who dared to be different and in doing so finds himself the centre of attention. I asked Bruce some questions.

What made you decide to write a children’s book about a donkey?

It was a bizarre but rather remarkable situation that prompted me to write about a donkey. In a phone call to my illustrato­r to fine tune my previous book about a ‘Daring Gecko’, I heard a strange noise. I was told it was a donkey braying outside from a fence-line at the front of the house. After several inquiries about the donkey named,

Beaumont, I knew I just had to visit him, a male jack on his hillside farm in Maraekakah­o. In the succeeding years of thinking about writing a children’s story, I did some research. Through this process I became totally inspired about the significan­ce of donkeys right throughout history. But I also discovered just how maligned this creature has become. Regarded as a stupid creature by some, I was motivated to squash the myth and turn to exposing to children the lovely, intelligen­t, affectiona­te animal that deserves a better and special mention.

This is your fifth book — what is the biggest lesson you have learned since your first book?

I guess it is a desire to perfect the craft of writing that has motivated me the most. Also to take special note of other critiques and wisdom from my editing team that has spurred me on.

Dare to be different: A donkey’s tale is full of kindness — was that your intention and do you think we need more kindness in our lives?

Yes, unequivoca­lly yes! We now live in a world of distrust, hardship and struggle with continuing conflict of interests. By putting a donkey into a situation to bring about kindness was an amazing concept to pursue.

If I could put it in another way and quote, philosophi­cally, a saying from a French Quaker living in the mid 19th century: “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now!

Let me not defer nor neglect it. For I shall not pass this way again.” Stephen Grellet.

Have you ever owned a donkey?

I have never owned a donkey but have a fond memory of my two children riding on Elizabeth, a Jennie donkey, from Oringi near Dannevirke.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I relieve around the schools of Hastings, Napier and country schools. I bike a lot having just completed The Otago Rail trail with my son a second time. My wife and I enjoy harvesting the walnuts all year round.

 ??  ?? Dare To Be Different: A donkey’s tale
Dare To Be Different: A donkey’s tale
 ??  ?? Author Bruce Tregonning.
Author Bruce Tregonning.

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