Rotorua Daily Post

Jorgi Lee Shape Studio


What support do you have to help you be successful?

My parents and my husband have certainly been my loudest cheerleade­rs, especially my best friend, my dad. He has always challenged me and coached me through life, and he’s the one I look to every time for advice and support. I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.

Did you have any mentors throughout your career and how did they influence your decisions?

I would have to say the most influentia­l people in the establishm­ent of Shape Studio were people in general. Understand­ing that we’re all human, and we all deserve to feel confident in our bodies. I love seeing men and women free from societies labels, and just doing what makes them happy. We become powerful when we are no longer bound by the opinions of others, and we make decisions in our own best interests, not out of fear or the perception of what makes someone worthy. It’s important to love our bodies, but it’s ok not like every bit. We’re only human at the end of the day.

What is the most challengin­g thing about your work?

There’s a stigma around bodies. What they should look like, how we should feel in our own skin, what we should and shouldn’t do to them. In a lot of ways, I think its rubbish. It’s your body, your business! If you want to dye your hair, get a tattoo, change your clothing style, or have a Fat Freezing treatment, DO IT. Life is too short to not love the body you’re in, or love the life you’re living. Do the things that excite you, scare you, and challenge you. Invest in yourself, however that may look, because we’re every bit worth the investment. I don’t want Shape Studio to ever be seen as a place people come to because they’re not ‘perfect’. We’re all unique and beautiful, and we all deserve to invest in our bodies however we see fit. We’re not here to create perfection, who even wants that? But, we are here to help enhance and define the natural beauty that we each have.

What drives you to succeed?

People. I love people. And if the treatments we offer at Shape Studio help men and women to catch their reflection and say “damn I look good”, then I would consider myself successful. It’s the newfound confidence our clients have in them that drives me and inspires me.

What is the most interestin­g part of your work/business day?

Other than meeting so many incredible people, working with my best friend, Anna. She is the most authentic, loving, and inspiring woman I have ever had the privilege of calling friend. She makes me laugh every day, but I love her gentle heart and the passion that she has for people too. Anna turns every day in to a beautiful day, just by being her. And she’s a damn good Nurse!

What did you want to be when you were at school?

I wouldn’t say I knew exactly what I wanted to be, but I knew I wanted to help people. A lawyer, a doctor, a psychologi­st were all careers I had contemplat­ed, and when I look back now, I think I realise that I have always had a passion for helping to set people free. Free from the burdens we all experience, whatever they may be, and I may not be curing cancer, but I know that we are changing lives and breaking the stigma while we’re at it.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

I would love to have several Shape Studio clinics across New Zealand within 10 years, and we will keep pushing for that goal to the best of our ability, but ultimately, I want to be going on school camps with my kids and cheering for them at sporting events the way my parents did for me. At the end of the day, I’m just another Mum who wants to wear ‘the bikini’, love my postpartum body the way it deserves to be loved and watch my daughters grow in to empowered, passionate and confident women.

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