Rotorua Daily Post



The first question people usually ask me when they find out I’m a travel editor is “where’s the best place you’ve ever been?”. You might think it would be a simple one but I struggle every time. Picking just one destinatio­n is like choosing a favourite family member. Well, actually, much harder.

Sometimes I’ll say Sri Lanka, the place I celebrated my 40th birthday with a two-week cycling adventure. Others, I’ll go for Croatia, where I sailed the Dalmatian coast on a small ship cruise. The first time I visited Rome and Paris, I was overwhelme­d by the history and the beauty. Israel was a surprise hit, New York is an old favourite, Bolivia was challengin­g yet unforgetta­ble. Then there’s the forests of Fiordland, the beaches of the Far North . . . how fortunate I am to have seen this much of the world; how happy it makes me to know there’s so much still to see.

So this week, when turning Travel’s attention to the best trips in the world, I allowed myself to remain firmly on the fence and instead asked some internatio­nal experts for their picks. It’s an inspiring list and if you’re planning to explore more of the world — either now, or in future — I’m sure you’ll find something to pique your interest. I’d love to know your favourite places, too — email with a few lines about the places you’d recommend to other readers and why, and we’ll publish some of your responses. And, remember you can send any other feedback, questions and comments to that address too. We always love to hear from you.

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