Rotorua Daily Post



Big Panda and Tiny Dragon By James Norbury, Penguin Random House, $35

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.. .. How lovely. Two friends — a tiny dragon and a panda — travel through the seasons sharing lessons along the way. They get lost, they get found.

The pair explore hardships, emotions, happy events and useful wisdom: “When you light a lantern for someone else, you cannot help but light up your own path.”

Writer and artist James Norbury is inspired by Buddhist philosophy and uses his illustrati­ons of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon — really a little stick insect-like figure — to share his ideas about the world and life.

“I want to change the world, said Tiny Dragon. Start with the next person who needs your help, replied Big Panda.”

Sometimes there is just a picture without words. Each page is a delightful joy to read and smile at. It reminds me most of a little illustrate­d Winnie-the-pooh book I found in an op shop with little lessons on life.

A little treasure. Give it to your favourite person, and read it to your child.

— Linda Thompson

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