Rotorua Daily Post

Surgeries no lasting cure for condition

- Megan Wilson is a health and general news reporter for the Bay of Plenty Times and Rotorua Daily Post. She has been a journalist since 2021.

According to Endometrio­sis New Zealand, laparoscop­ic surgery is the only definitive way to diagnose endometrio­sis. The surgery also aims to remove endometrio­sis tissue, cysts or adhesions.

However, Lockhorst said the pain returned one and a half years after surgery as the endometrio­sis grew back.

She had a second surgery in May 2022. Her most recent surgery was in December last year.

Lockhorst is now taking a progestoge­n pill and has a Merina — a T-shaped plastic frame inserted into the uterus carrying a contracept­ive hormone — to “try and slow down the growth” of the endometrio­sis.

She said endometrio­sis had taken away “a lot of my quality of life”, including missing family functions, and the condition was “unpredicta­ble”.

For example, she was well enough to do a powerlifti­ng competitio­n last year and was in pain two months later.

“You grieve what your body can do.”

Another symptom was fatigue: “If I don’t have one nap a day, I’m exhausted”.

Lockhorst had most recently been working in kiwifruit orchards but resigned due to another health scare relating to her thyroid.

She volunteere­d at the Rotorua Hospice shop and was looking to “redirect” her life.

Lockhorst said she had always wanted to help people and was considerin­g support work or healthcare assistance.

“I’ve had amazing surgeons [and] nurses and I want to give back.”

Endometrio­sis New Zealand chief executive Tanya Cooke said an early diagnosis could be “life-changing” as it meant people could treat and manage the condition.

“For those living with symptoms of endometrio­sis without the access to care they may need, there may be a significan­t reduction in their quality of life.”

Cooke said there was a “pressing need” for enhanced research on endometrio­sis as it was a “very complex and poorly understood condition” in New Zealand and around the world.

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