South Taranaki Star

Conserve water to avoid restrictio­ns


On average, one New Zealand household uses about 500 litres of water every day. That’s over 2,000 cups!

Your drinking water comes from streams or undergroun­d sources (aquifers) which we then treat and distribute to your house through our pipe networks. The more water we all conserve, the less has to be taken from these sources, reducing our environmen­tal impact.

Conserving water also means we save on treatment and re�cula�on costs. So conserving water helps the environmen­t and saves money at the same �me.

There are a number of things we can do to reduce the amount of water we use around the house.

Take shorter showers.

Wait un�l you have a full load before star�ng the washing machine or dishwasher.

Wash your fruit and veggies in a bowl, rather than running the tap, and reuse the water.

Compost or worm farm your food scraps. Waste disposal units use 30 litres of water daily.

Grow your lawn a li�le longer in summer.

Water gardens in the early morning or in the evening once the heat of the day is done.

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