South Waikato News

Farms fined $60,000


Two ‘‘ cavalier’’ farming companies have been stung $60,000 for breaches of the Resource Management Act.

Tui Glen Farm Ltd and Walling Family Farms Ltd were fined $ 32,000 and $28,000 respective­ly after pleading guilty to seven offences under the act.

The two companies share common directors and were subject to a joint prosecutio­n by Waikato Regional Council.

Their offending occurred in 2010 and 2011 and related to unlawful earthworks at two Maungataut­ari and Otorohanga farms.

The earthworks were carried out in ‘‘ high risk’’ erosion areas and without adequate erosion and sediment controls.

Abatement notices were issued by the council and the prosecutio­n included charges relating to noncomplia­nce with the notices.

Judge Melanie Harland said the companies were involved in earthmovin­g contractin­g and should have been aware of the resource consent process.

Judge Harland said the offending showed a ‘‘rather cavalier attitude’’ toward the issue of sedi- ment and erosion control.

Speaking afterwards, council’s investigat­ions and complaints manager Patrick Lynch said the two companies should have engaged the council before starting the earthworks.

‘‘ By applying for the appropriat­e resource consent they could have been guided to carry out the works in such a way as to have minimised any potential effect on the environmen­t,’’ he said. It had been ‘‘very fortunate’’ that there had been limited actual environmen­tal effects, Mr Lynch said.

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