South Waikato News

This is YOUR Life - Live It!

Personal Coaching for South Waikato By Tracey Deane. Part One: The Journey - Where am I?


If you want to go on a journey and you haven’t been to that place before, you need to know two things: 1. Where am I right now? 2. Where do I want to end up?

These are the two most powerful questions you can ask yourself, throughout your life, if you want to get somewhere. 1.Where am I in my life?

There is no right or wrong answer. It is simply an exercise in locating yourself on the map of your life.... 1. Loving life? 2. A steady existence but want more? 3. In a rut, and want to get out? 4. In despair, life is horrible and something has to change? 5. Somewhere else?

When you answer, be honest with yourself. This is about you, for you - and no one else needs to know what your answers are. It is not their business, because this is YOUR life.

Why do you need to be honest with yourself? If you tell yourself you are in Auckland and that you want to go to Wellington - when in fact, you are in Tokoroa and you want to go to Tirau - there is nothing surer than you will not get where you want to go!

It doesn’t matter where you are on the list from 1 to 5, they are ALL a starting point to an extraordin­ary life. Make a great life even better, or a ‘terrible’ life awesome. The tools are the same. Take your next step in next week’sSouth Waikato News.

Note: If you are in utter despair, I know that things will be really tough for you and it might be overwhelmi­ng. There are many options: you could start with a trusted friend, your GP,, or call Lifeline 0800 543354, or 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828865).

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