South Waikato News

Have a say on welfare code update


Federated Farmers welcomes the consultati­on process announced by NAWAC late last week, as it updates the Animal Welfare (Dairy Cattle) Code of Welfare.

‘‘There has been a lot of media coverage recently of calves being slaughtere­d in Chile,’’Willy Leferink, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperso­n, said.

‘‘Federated Farmers agrees with most New Zealanders that this sort of behaviour does not belong on New Zealand farms.

‘‘The Animal Welfare (Dairy Cattle) Code of Welfare had been silent on the routine euthanisat­ion of calves on-farm. We are pleased that the proposed changes now emphasise that it is a skilled procedure to euthanise calves quickly and humanely. Be in no doubt that it does take skill. It is definitely not something to be left to an untrained farm worker.’’

He said NAWAC recognised that emergencie­s did happen on-farm, where sick or injured stock needed to be put out of their misery.

‘‘Often in these circumstan­ces, the quickest and kindest act is to use blunt force because approved means, such as a captive bolt gun or firearm, may be an hour away. Very few farmers go out on-farm packing a weapon ‘just in case.’

‘‘The changes recognise that blunt force can be used in this type of emergency and that is a sensible provision,’’ Mr Leferink concluded.

He said Federated Farmers would be submitting on these proposed changes and he encourage farmers to do so as well.

NAWAC is seeking input from those who deal with the issue on a seasonal basis.

 ?? Photo: DIANEBISHO­P/OSF ?? Calf conduct: A Charolais cow and calves.
Photo: DIANEBISHO­P/OSF Calf conduct: A Charolais cow and calves.

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