South Waikato News

Signage costs make mockery of safer roads


make posed a threat to the safety of model jets flown at the airfield.

In the wake of this claim, I would suggest that residents of Lochmaben and Dumphries roads be gravely concerned over the safety of their properties and their families. My concern is because there is no restrictio­n on the use of wifi-capable mobile phones, each with with six times the power level that CAA has deemed to be unsafe to these models, on or near the airfield when these RC jets are flying. I would also be very worried as to the effect that home wifi systems in these streets (at 10 times the power level of my proposed transmissi­ons) would have on the safe operation of those heavy and fast jet-powered models which are flown just a few hundred metres from the houses concerned.

On four occasions already, these dangerous models have crashed into the grounds of the adjacent motorcycle and dirt-bike clubs – on one occasion exploding in a huge fireball on impact, and on another, a tall pine tree was the only reason the model concerned did not continue on to crash into properties on Lochmaben Rd itself.

If the SWDC does not act on this issue they must surely be held responsibl­e and liable for any damage, injury or death that occurs from a failure to either ban these dangerous models or impose a ban on all wifi equipment in the area.

Bruce Simpson, Tokoroa

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