South Waikato News

Cycling series for town


A new national cycling event will be held in Tokoroa all thanks to a $30,000 ratepayer investment over three years.

Dynamo Events has produced a new team cycling series which will be held over six weekends starting at the end of this year.

The final two weekends will be held in Tokoroa mid-2016.

The event will consist of teams of six riding more than 100km together.

The investment has given the council naming rights for the rides held in the district.

Stephen Cox of Dynamo Events and Tokoroa’s world masters champion, Jim McMurray, chose the district for its environmen­t.

McMurray was confident the district would be a perfect fit for the event. ‘‘It’s a showcase of the region, the lakes and the forestry.’’

And though it is not a unique event, the idea was to use new areas.

‘‘We’re not re-inventing the wheel, we’re just bringing it to a region where they don’t have it.’’

A similar event has already been held in the South Island – a race McMurray has competed in. He said he expected a similar big turnout.

Councillor­s questioned traffic safety and Cox said management of roads would be a top priority. Councillor Herman Van Rooijen was concerned Tirau would not benefit from the investment.

While Cox said he could not guarantee any benefits, he believed incoming traffic would bring in business.

‘‘ A lot of people stop in Tirau and if we have 150 or 200 cars, they could stop.’’

Group manager of community Amanda Hema said the decision was made on the basis it was a signature event for the district.

‘‘ This event . . . has the potential to raise the profile of the South Waikato through media interest,’’ she said.

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