Stratford Press

Tiffany feels settled in her favourite spot


Tiffany Hill loves the friendly faces and tight-knit community feel of Stratford.

Working behind the front desk at the Taranaki Veterinary Centre means she comes into contact with a wide range of the people, many of who have become her friends over the years.

“They are just such a great team to work with here and Stratford is just such a nice community — everybody knows everybody. I have met some great people.”

Tiffany recently won the Stratford New World Best Rural Service Person category of the Romeo Awards, which she says came as a bit of a surprise.

“I was a bit shocked when my name was read out. I wasn’t expecting it . . . My heart was just pounding and I didn’t know what to say, but my husband smiled at me and said ‘ you will be all right’.”

Tiffany and her husband Garry — who is the deputy principal at Matapu School — moved to Stratford from England in 2003 after a vet nursing job opened up at the centre. The couple had only planned to stay a little while but 15 years later are now settled and love the Kiwi lifestyle.

“We feel in love with the place and don’t have any plans to go back now.”

The couple have since had two daughters — Charlotte (12) and Ellena (11) who go to Ngaere School. The family live on a1.6ha lifestyle block and Pukengahu, and also keep busy with the Purring Cat Cattery which can house up to 20 cats.

Tiffany has been a vet nurse for 20 years and says she loves being involved in the industry, helping farmers out and seeing clients who she regards as friends.

”It’s just a lovely place to work.”

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Tiffany Hill.

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