Stratford Press

Spend payments locally


This week, lots of us in the town will have been just over $100 richer thanks to a cost of living payment, which we will also get in September and October. On social media, I have seen lots of people talking about how they will use it to “treat themselves” with a range of items online. Now firstly, if people need this money to literally help stock up on groceries — great. But to those who are treating it as an opportunit­y to spend on things that aren’t essential, please can I ask you think about WHERE you spend it. I don’t care what you choose to spend it on — luxury or essential, but do remember to try to shop locally, as that means the payment will help more than one person in the town. Your local shops have been struggling too, and maybe this is a way you can help them keep going — don’t spend online, spend in town.

S Simmons

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