Stratford Press

Meet the candidates at Rotary House event


The Inglewood Rotary Club is always busy helping the community, says past president Gloria O’Dowd. Next Tuesday the club is hosting a Meet the Candidates evening at their Rotary House. She says there will be a range of speakers at the event.

“There will be candidates who are running for mayor, Ko¯ hanga Moa, Te Purutanga Mauri Pu¯manawa Ma¯ori wards, Inglewood Community Board and Taranaki Regional Council North Ward.

“They will introduce themselves as well as answer questions. There has been a great response so far from candidates to attend.”

Coming up in spring, the Inglewood Rotary Club will be running a $5 coffee and cake stall at the Windsor

View Garden during the Fringe Garden Festival.

“The Rotary members and partners become wonderful bakers and delight our many customers with some of their delicious delights. This garden has lots to see and amazing mountain views.”

She says people may also see some of the members at the Inglewood Mini-Putt facility, with several of the members assisting with the running of the kiosk.

“This wonderful community, all age, all weather asset is a blessing to all groups and organisati­ons assisting in the running of the venue.”

The club has also assisted in making New Plymouth greener, with members assisting with the Forest of Peace and Remembranc­e celebratin­g 100 years of Rotary in New Zealand.

This is a New Plymouth Rotary Club project to plant 4000 trees behind the Mangapouri Cemetery and alongside the Waiwhakaih­o River at Egmont Village. Many school children have been bussed to the venue and assisted in the planting of these trees and are given a barbecue lunch.

As well as helping the community, the Inglewood Rotary Club has been helped themselves, says Gloria.

“During the last two years, and with interrupti­ons and delays caused by Covid, Inglewood Rotary Club had received major financial assistance from the TET Trust to put on a new roof and gutters on a large area of Rotary House in Inglewood.”

She says the gift enables the club to start a painting project and look at other ways to enhance the building.

“We can also look at how it can be utilised by more groups in the future.”

The club is also getting ready to spread Christmas cheer.

“During the Inglewood Christmas Parade, we enter a sleigh for the collection of gifts for children in need in our community. These are also collected leading up to the parade day at the HTL office in Inglewood. Tarata CWI also assists by making up shoe boxes for young women.”

With the help of the community, Gloria says they have been able to gather over 90 gifts each year.

The action doesn’t end at Christmas with the club organising their annual charity car show for January.

For more informatio­n on events, or to become a member, message the Inglewood Rotary Club Facebook page.

 ?? Photo/ Supplied ?? Inglewood Rotary Club is busy with its upcoming events and fundraiser­s.
Photo/ Supplied Inglewood Rotary Club is busy with its upcoming events and fundraiser­s.

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