Stratford Press

Gateway airport terminal lands prestigiou­s awards

New Plymouth Airport terminal adds to list of successes


New Plymouth Airport’s terminal has won two major accolades. Te Hono, owned by the New Plymouth District Council, was named medium-sized airport of the year and medium infrastruc­ture project of the year at the 2021 awards.

The awards took place online due to last year’s ceremony being postponed due to Covid-19.

The awards add to the airport’s success, which includes a win in the Prix Versailles for best airport exterior in December.

Te Hono’s design encompasse­s the entire terminal and reflects the Puketapu origin story of Tamarau at the northern end, Rongoueroa at the southern end with a Tuahu panel in the centre with a figurine depicting their child Awa-NuiA-Rangi.

The judges described Te Hono as an “iconic gateway for the region” and praised it for “giving life to the cultural narrative” of Puketapu hapu¯.

They also noted the airport’s terminal redevelopm­ent project had shown genuine leadership in passenger experience by including sustainabl­e building design principles.

It sits on the ancestral land of Taranaki’s Puketapu hapu¯ , who worked with the project team, design consultant­s Beca and builders Clelands Constructi­on, to ensure their legacy was reflected.

While the past two years had been extremely challengin­g for airports around the world, the awards recognised the airport is well placed for a brighter future, New Plymouth Airport chief executive David Scott says.

“In the year to June, we had about 244,000 passengers come through Te Hono, and were expecting about 350,000 over the next 12 months. We look forward to sharing Te Hono with travellers from around the world for many years to come.”

 ?? Photo / Supplied ?? Arriving at the big time: Airport chief executive David Scott (left), property manager Ian Baker, operations and safety manager Paul Tench and wildlife officer Martin Smith outside the Airport of the Year.
Photo / Supplied Arriving at the big time: Airport chief executive David Scott (left), property manager Ian Baker, operations and safety manager Paul Tench and wildlife officer Martin Smith outside the Airport of the Year.

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