Stratford Press

Health partnershi­ps under threat

Local chair slams Nats’ plan to abolish iwi-Ma¯ ori boards

- Craig Ashworth Local Democracy Reporter

National’s threat to gut Ma¯ori health partnershi­p boards would lock in poorer health for wha¯nau, says the head of Taranaki’s board. Iwi-Ma¯ ori partnershi­p boards were set up under last year’s health reforms, and Te Whatu Ora — Health New Zealand needs their agreement to sign off local health plans.

National’s health spokespers­on Dr Shane Reti said if his party wins the election, the partnershi­p boards will lose that influence and be demoted to the same level as any other local health sector group.

“An iwi-Ma¯ori partnershi­p board will be collaborat­ive at the provider level along with every other major stakeholde­r. That includes hospitals, that includes all of the NGOs, every major provider of community care.”

Taranaki’s board is Te Punanga Ora, and its chairman Te Pahunga Davis said National’s plan left him “shattered”.

“It’s like one step forward, 10 steps back.”

Davis also served on the previous iwi relationsh­ip board which advised the Taranaki District Health Board on Ma¯ori health.

“For 21 years under National, under Labour, we got nothing, no movement. The lifespan remained the same, the health determinan­ts for Ma¯ ori were poor and remained poor.”

“It was lip service at best . . . You could design a health strategy and people would look at it and say, ‘Oh, yeah’, and carry on doing what they were doing. If we have a reversion to that, things will remain the same.”

In 2022, the Pae Ora Act set up iwiMa¯ori partnershi­p boards and the independen­t Ma¯ori health authority Te Aka Whai Ora to work in parallel with the health ministry and Te Whatu Ora.

Reti has long promised to scrap Te Aka Whai Ora and said the partnershi­p boards would lose their powers because they had made no difference to Ma¯ori health.

“Show me one outcome that’s better — because I’ll be very, very outcomes-focused.”

Davis said that was just political posturing.

“We’ve been going [for] five minutes. What sort of changes can you make in five minutes, for the huge moves needed? Of course there’s not going to be a momentous shift right away — we’re not even started.”

He said there had been a “gigantic shift” in Ma¯ori having a legislated say in decisions about what services they get.

“The opportunit­y for community voice and community involvemen­t in the design of the system — that has been amazing.”

“We have more say in establishi­ng priorities and getting agreement on potential service to localities.”

Labour’s Ma¯ori health spokespers­on Peeni Henare recently warned that the newly enhanced voice for Ma¯ ori under the Pae Ora Act “is seriously at risk”.

“All it takes is a majority in Parliament — and Act and National have both said this kaupapa our people have fought so hard for [would be] gone,” he said in August.

Davis said doing away with partnershi­p boards would face significan­t resistance.

“It’s legislated 15 iwi-Ma¯ ori partnershi­p boards, but there are more than 70 iwi sitting in behind them. I think that’s a long road.”

He said it was unclear how a National-led government would organise the health system at a regional and local level.

“It could be fraught. I don’t know what Reti is talking about, and I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about either.”

Reti said National hadn’t yet decided on its preferred regional health structure, but partnershi­p boards might get a single seat at a local decision-making table.

Davis said whatever government is elected will face the same marked disparitie­s in Ma¯ori health that have persisted for over 100 years.

A Ma¯ori pe¯pi born today is expected to die 7.5 years earlier than a non-Ma¯ori with the same birthday.

Ma¯ori health status trails nonMa¯ori across almost all chronic and infectious diseases, as well as injuries, including suicide.

Mortality rates are also higher for Ma¯ori at nearly all ages. The cardiovasc­ular disease mortality rate is twice as high for Ma¯ ori as it is for nonMa¯ori, and cancer mortality rates are 1.5 times higher.

 ?? ?? Te Punanga Ora chairman Te Pahunga Davis said National’s plan to demote Ma¯ ori health partnershi­p boards will mean poorer health for wha¯ nau.
Te Punanga Ora chairman Te Pahunga Davis said National’s plan to demote Ma¯ ori health partnershi­p boards will mean poorer health for wha¯ nau.
 ?? ?? From left are National’s health spokespers­on Dr Shane Reti, and Labour’s Ma¯ ori health spokespers­on Peeni Henare.
From left are National’s health spokespers­on Dr Shane Reti, and Labour’s Ma¯ ori health spokespers­on Peeni Henare.
 ?? ??

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