Stratford Press

Leading lady’s warning for friends

Performer attracted to play character with lots of attitude and potty mouth

- Ilona Hanne

Mickie Mills has spoken a lot of lines on stage over the years. But her latest role, as Grannie Annie in Stratford on Stage’s upcoming production of West ’n’ Wild, has her saying some very different words than she is used to.

“I love it. I get to say things I would never, ever say to anyone in my own life.”

Grannie Annie’s vocabulary and attitude were an immediate drawcard for Mickie when the play was discussed, she says.

“I wanted to play Grannie Annie as soon as I read the script. She’s a

wonderful character.”

Could she describe Grannie Annie in three words or less?

“No. I can do it in more, she needs more words than three. Grannie Annie is Granny Clampett meets Grumpy with a foul mouth.”

A member of Stratford on Stage for 29 years, Mickie has played plenty of roles over the years, but Grannie Annie is fast becoming a favourite, she says.

“Another role I would love to play would be Lady Macbeth. I have always wanted to play her.”

Grannie Annie and Lady Macbeth are both strong women, she says, but there aren’t any other similariti­es. “Grannie Annie is pure fun to play.” Actually, the entire show is good fun, she says. “It’s funny. I think people will really love it, the music, the dancing, the costumes.”

It helps to have a great team, with cast and crew combining into a “good crowd to work with”, she says.

“There’s a nice mix, we have some new people joining, in fact there are only about four or so people in it that I really know that well. It’s good more people getting involved. A lot of the people I used to do shows with, they aren’t doing them anymore, and this will be my last one. Well, that’s what

I say, but that has changed before.”

With the show opening in just a few weeks, Mickie hopes to see lots of familiar faces in the audience.

“Although I have warned my friends from church, it’s not my usual language.”

 ?? ?? Mickie Mills (right) says her character Grannie Annie in West ’n’ Wild is a bit like Granny Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillie­s.
Mickie Mills (right) says her character Grannie Annie in West ’n’ Wild is a bit like Granny Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillie­s.

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