Stratford Press

Christmas lights up for good cause

Amelia gets ready to share her festive decorating flair for Team HOPE fundraiser

- Ilona Hanne

“Ilove Christmas and I have always loved decorating our home for that joy of Christmas and for the kids.”

This year, Amelia Lett isn’t just decorating her home for her family, but for Christmas Homes for Hope, an annual festive fundraiser for local charity Team HOPE.

The fundraiser gives ticket-holders the opportunit­y to visit several homes and businesses around Stratford, each of which are decorated for Christmas, says Amelia.

“It’s a really nice way for people to get inspired by other people’s takes on Christmas, and how they decorate for it.”

Amelia’s own take on Christmas is likely to involve more than one Christmas tree, she says.

“I am borrowing trees from family and friends, and plan to have each one decorated in a different theme or style.”

She has invited a local business to join her, bringing a range of Christmas gifts to have on sale on the day, “so people will be able to get some Christmas shopping done as well when they visit”.

While it’s Amelia’s first time opening her home up for the Christmas Homes for Hope fundraiser, it’s not the first time she has been involved with Team HOPE.

“I first came across Team HOPE about seven years ago, when a dear friend of mine was going through treatment for cancer and Team HOPE supported her and her family.”

Since then, Amelia has followed Team HOPE’s progress on their Facebook page she says.

“Then more recently, I have had more contact with them, and even closer to home, as they have supported my father-in-law and our family as he has gone through radiation treatment. They have also been supporting another close friend’s mother, so it’s all been very close to my heart.”

Amelia works at Fenton Street Arts Collective, which has also supported Team HOPE fundraisin­g events this year.

“So there have been all these connection­s, and now with Christmas Homes for HOPE, I am doing something directly myself as an individual as a way to give back to such a great charity we have here in Stratford.”

 ?? Photo / Unsplash ?? Amelia Lett says her home will feature several Christmas trees, each decorated in a different theme, for the event.
Photo / Unsplash Amelia Lett says her home will feature several Christmas trees, each decorated in a different theme, for the event.

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