Stratford Press

Runway show with a difference

- Alyssa Smith

Taranaki’s youngest musicians, dancers, models and fashion designers are taking to the stage in an upcoming performanc­e. Chaos Theory director Jack Dixon, 19, is busy preparing the upcoming runway show Murder at the Theatre. The show isn’t just a runway show, he says, as it also features a dance performanc­e and musicians.

“Rather than just having a music show or a fashion show, I’ve incorporat­ed them all together to create something that will hopefully immerse the viewer and keep them entertaine­d.”

Jack says the show will put young people’s talent front and centre, with the work of young fashion designers featured alongside the performanc­es from young musicians and dancers.

“It’s about giving youth the chance to showcase their skills in an inclusive and safe space. Fifty young people

aged between 15-21 are taking part in this show.”

The show is the first in Jack’s Tale

of Ichor series, a collection of youthled runway shows showcasing the talent of young creatives.

“Ichor is the blood of Gods, a divine substance. I’ve taken that idea of divinity for this series. It’s about creating an experience that brings people close to divinity in an artistic sense by showcasing the best of our local young talent.”

Murder at the Theatre will have a “Monster House Night Club” theme, he says.

“It will be just like a modern thriller. The colour palette is dark red, grey, black and silver which is also the dress code for the audience.”

Jack has organised shows since he started the company in 2021.

“I went through a lot and one thing that helped me get through it is music. I thought, if music helps me, I wonder how many other young people use a form of art to help them. It’s about providing a space for the young creatives in our community.”

Jack wants to change the negative stereotype about youth.

“You hear about youth being ratbags and having no work ethic. I want to help prove that narrative wrong. We’re not all like that. Some of us are just lost and being creative helps put us back on the right track. I know it did for me.”

With only a few weeks to showtime, Jack is looking forward to seeing the performanc­e come together.

“We’re in the process of rehearsals and getting things ready. It’s been a lot of work but it’s something I enjoy doing. The people I’m working with are all amazing and talented. I encourage people to come along and see the hard work the artists have put in.”

 ?? Photo / Chaos Theory ?? Chaos Theory director Jack Dixon organises youth-led shows. Pictured here is a previous concert he organised.
Photo / Chaos Theory Chaos Theory director Jack Dixon organises youth-led shows. Pictured here is a previous concert he organised.

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