Stratford Press


- S Harris

Thank you

We wish to express our gratitude for the generosity of the residents of Stratford for the annual foodbank food drive on Monday last week.

We were inundated with donations and suddenly our shelves are full again.

As usual the volunteer fire brigade led the way and reminded people of the event.

A big thank you to all the drivers, runners, and packers that gave up their Monday evening to bring the donations in.

This event sets us up for the year and it is wonderful to be able to help those people who struggle to put food on their table.

The Stratford Community Foodbank is located at Community House on Juliet St and opens on Tuesday mornings (10-12) You can phone us on 021 0241 7741 outside of these hours.

Thank you once again.

Volunteers Stratford Community Foodbank

Privacy concerns

Recently, I went to the Stratford Library to register a vehicle. A man was in front of me and sat a driver licence theory test. I waited half an hour while that took place.

I think it’s absolutely degrading that a person has to do that in front of other people. It is off-putting and embarrassi­ng for them. Surely, this area could be screened off? Other people have told me of similar occurrence­s.

The lady came out and apologised, saying they only had one computer.

This building is owned by the people of Stratford and, as such, the council could do something about it.

I have spoken to one councillor and the mayor, who said he would look into it - no change has happened yet. Come on council, get it sorted. L Moffitt

Council chief executive Sven Hanne replies:

We appreciate Mr Moffitt’s concerns but, unfortunat­ely, all AA transactio­ns must be done on an AA-approved and connected device. Due to our relatively low volume of transactio­ns, the AA will not provide us with a second device for customer service – though it is something we will continue to advocate for. Whenever we experience longer wait times for driver licensing transactio­ns, staff are happy to provide an alternativ­e option where possible. For people looking to do a motor vehicle registrati­on, we are happy to help them do this online while at the library. Alternativ­ely, this service is also available at PaperPlus in Stratford.

Praise for parks

In a recent letter to the editor, it was said the town did not present well during the recent garden festivals. I beg to differ. In my opinion, the town looked lovely - as it always does especially our parks and open spaces, which are green, welcoming and peaceful.

However, I admit to taking a positive view of most things - where one person sees weeds when they see dandelions, I choose instead to see bright yellow flowers bringing colour to the grass. As we learn more and more about our environmen­t, we learn that everything has a purpose - perfectly manicured lawns don’t attract the bees we need; gardens left to go wild do.

As for wild cats - they may hunt birds, but they also hunt other pests such as rats, and I personally feel cats are preferable to rats when it comes to creatures roaming the town. I don’t see messy bowls of food left out for these animals near where they are, I see bowls showing the kindness of people who are choosing to feed animals they don’t own (and perhaps, in doing so, reducing the amount of hunting the cats are doing).

I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to Stratford I see plenty of beauty, in the gardens, the walkways, the wild animals and the people who live here.

 ?? ?? The shelves at Stratford Foodbank are now packed thanks to the generosity of the community.
The shelves at Stratford Foodbank are now packed thanks to the generosity of the community.
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