Stratford Press

In the mountain’s shadow a reminder to aim high for rural NZ

- Carl Bates , MP for Whanganui

The Whanganui electorate covers a diverse area and an important part of that diversity is the town of Stratford. It’s a town and district that has grown on me with every day I spend there.

And there have been plenty of days; more than 30 between the time I was selected as National’s candidate in February and election day in October, with more since. I know, because my good friend, former

Stratford District Mayor Brian Jeffares has been counting them!

There’s one constant companion when you’re travelling to Stratford — Mt Taranaki. Whether it’s a fine day and the mountain is visible or whether it’s hidden by clouds, you know that the maunga is there, and you’re aware of the impact it has on the town and district. To have the mountain quite literally in your backyard is something special.

During the year I have had the opportunit­y to see Stratford at work and at play. The precinct including the War Memorial Hall, the internatio­nal hockey turf, the TET MultiSport­s Centre and the Wai o Rua — Stratford Aquatic Centre, where the Bates clan has enjoyed a swim or two, is always a hive of activity.

Stratford is an important hub for businesses aligned to the rural sector. The coalition Government’s ambitious 100-day plan includes the repeal of Three Waters, repeal of the ute tax, and the amendment of the RMA, all of which demonstrat­e our commitment to rural New Zealand.

But it’s the people who make

Stratford special, and it has been a privilege to meet so many of you in the last 10 months through the election campaign and in the postelecti­on period. One of the highlights of my year was spending two days at the Stratford A&P Show chatting with hundreds of people and deepening my understand­ing of what makes Stratford tick.

It is my role as an MP to be available to every constituen­t, not just those to whom I have a political affiliatio­n and that is a responsibi­lity I take seriously. My commitment to you is to be both visible and available and it is my privilege to serve in a government that is determined to get New Zealand back on track.

As 2023 draws to a close, spare a thought for those who will have to work over the holiday period; doctors, nurses, first responders, tourism, hospitalit­y and retail staff, and, of course, our farmers, vets and farm workers working all hours and in all weathers. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

Have a wonderful Christmas under the mountain.

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