Stratford Press

Roofers to run for cancer relief

Central Roofing joins Taranaki relay fundraisin­g

- Alyssa Smith

ATaranaki roofing company is swapping work boots for sneakers to support Taranaki’s cancer patients. New Plymouth’s Central Roofing Company Ltd have entered a team in this year’s Taranaki Relay for Life, an event where teams raise money and walk around a track for 12 hours.

The company has entered a team for the first time, but not all participan­ts are new to the relay track.

Staff member Rachel Castle has entered the event before and looks forward to supporting cancer patients with her work colleagues.

“I entered the event when it was 24 hours instead of 12. This year I’ll be with my workmates, rememberin­g those we’ve lost and supporting people with cancer.”

She says cancer is everywhere, with most people she’s talked to knowing someone impacted by it.

“My mum passed with cancer and my brother-in-law passed of cancer. I’ve lost a friend to it as well and my mother-in-law is a survivor of it.

Everyone seems to have a story of how this horrible disease has impacted them.”

She says when the team walks the track, they’ll be rememberin­g someone close to them.

“Our workmate’s fiance recently died of cancer. She was only 29 and that kicked it off for us. We were all hit quite hard by her death and this is a way we can help make a difference. We wanted to do something as a team that would help with the fight against cancer.”

Colleague Jess Simeon says putting together a team was easy.

“We’re all community-minded and want to help in any way possible. We hope to do this yearly from now on and with a great team, we’re sure we will.”

She says the company regularly supports community organisati­ons and is happy to help the Taranaki Cancer Society.

“We’ve helped the Mellowpuff Charitable Trust with their muck-in days and we’ve also supported bowls tournament­s as well. So far we’ve raised $750 for the Taranaki Cancer Society. We had a goal of $250 and we’ve exceeded that. We want to raise as much as we can.”

Jess says she and the team are looking forward to the day.

“We’ll have the barbecue going and electrolyt­es for our walk. It’s going to be a good day.”

 ?? ?? The Central Roofing Company team wearing costumes for an amazing race event last year. The team is entering this year’s Taranaki Relay for Life event next month.
The Central Roofing Company team wearing costumes for an amazing race event last year. The team is entering this year’s Taranaki Relay for Life event next month.

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