Stratford Press

Healthy, wealthy and much wiser


If you were dating money, what would it say about you? This ground-breaking book from a New Zealand financial psychology expert will help you develop your own relationsh­ip with money.

Through Lynda Moore's highs and lows of her own love life, the book takes you on a journey with a surprise ending. From this tragedy, the book was created to help you develop your own money love story, remove financial blocks, and create more wealth in your life. We asked Moore some questions on her book Conversati­ons with Money: A Love Story.

Tell us a little about Conversati­ons with Money: A Love Story.

We all have a relationsh­ip with money; it’s the longest relationsh­ip we will ever have, so why not make it the best relationsh­ip possible? For many of us when it comes to money, it can be our worst. We need to learn to relate to money in a more positive way and have it part of our self-care regime. The Love Story is about how we build our own relationsh­ip with money, and also follows my own journey of love and loss, both financiall­y and in my marriage which fell apart primarily because of money, even though we were still very much in love.

We were captured when you say, ‘If you were dating money, what would it say about you?’ What are some answers you have had to this question?

“Money would dump me!” ”You hold on to me so tightly, we don’t have any fun” “You don’t respect me, you throw me away, and expect me to be there when you need me”. “Money and I are past the dating phase, we are in a long-term relationsh­ip, and we look after each other”. “Money and I divorced a few times, but we are back together, and it’s a much healthier relationsh­ip”.

Your personal story is part of this book. Can you tell us a little about that?

My marriage ended primarily due to our inability to communicat­e effectivel­y about money. We thought we were protecting each other, but in reality, it caused so much stress that we ended up separating and breaking each other’s hearts. I didn’t realise any of this until about 12 years later, when Gaz was terminally ill, and I spent the last month of his life with him in hospice. We had all the conversati­ons we should have had when we were together, we both realised how important communicat­ion is, and Gaz wanted me to share our story to help other couples not go down the pathway we did.

Who is your book written for, and who will get the most out of it?

It’s written for anyone who wants to get a better understand­ing of why they do what they do with money and how to make a change. Because of my own story, I feel women will relate to it and then bring their partners in to do the exercises.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to people wanting a better relationsh­ip with money?

Changing your relationsh­ip with money will change your life. Don’t be afraid to do the work required. You can’t change your financial past, but you can build a better financial future.

 ?? ?? Conversati­ons with Money: A Love Story by Lynda Moore, Money Mentalist Publishing, $34.95
Conversati­ons with Money: A Love Story by Lynda Moore, Money Mentalist Publishing, $34.95
 ?? ?? Author Lynda Moore.
Author Lynda Moore.

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