Sunday News

Shiny new penny

- Allornothi­ng.

FORMEDIN 1988, skate punk outfit Pennywise are mainstays of the California­n punk rock scene, a reputation they’ve cemented over 10 studio albums, anepand a handful of live albums. But their 10th LP, All or Nothing, threw up some of the biggest challenges the Hermosa Beach, California­n natives have faced yet, as they were forced to reestablis­h their sound after the loss of frontman Jim Lindberg, who quit the band in 2009.

Determined to continue on, Pennywise recruited the singer for Ignite, Zoltan Teglas, and began the process of recording All or Nothing, a process that founding Pennywise guitarist Fletcher Dragge says threw up some curve balls.

‘‘We knewwehad more in us, but weneeded to find a way of returning to the old material and coming up with something fresh that fit Zoltan’s voice and was true to us,’’ Dragge told Sunday News.

‘‘Not all of our fans were supportive of us wanting to keep this thing moving without Jim, but I think we’ve won a lot of those same people over with the album – it’s in keeping with the spirit of Pennywise, while adding something new that will keep us energised and our fans excited.’’

Something that Dragge is excited about is a new drive in the band to tour again, and he says Pennywise’s Newzealand supporters should look forward to shows in August.

‘‘With this new energy behind the band, we’ll be hitting the road more and making surewemake it tonew Zealand whenever we’re in your part of the world.’’

 ??  ?? Pennywise has released their 10th LP,
Pennywise has released their 10th LP,

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