Sunday News

AUG 24 – SEP 23


JUN 23 – JUL 23

Can’t you try harder? I don’t mean to add to the pressure you’re experienci­ng but I need to highlight the way you are being made to feel as if nothing is good enough. Yet you have no need to apologise. You deserve appreciati­on, not castigatio­n. June’s rare transit of Venus will address that imbalance. Never in history has there been a month like this. Your June forecast is ready. Call 0900 30022. While Mars has been in your sign, you have been travelling at such a speed as to cause all passing scenery to blur. Finally, you are slowing down. You have not reached your destinatio­n but you have reached a pause for reflection. Venus’ transit implies illuminati­on. You are rising higher, others (rightly) are starting to look up to you and you will see many reasons to feel proud. A lunar eclipse. A transit of Venus. Be ready for June. I’ve got news for you. Call 0900 30022.

NOV 23 – DEC 21

It is easy to forget how insecure most people are. We do things others won’t accept, yet refuse to understand why they object. But when we are unreasonab­le it is because, deep down, we are afraid. June’s lunar eclipse helps you understand something useful about your own deepest fears. And a rare transit of Venus provides a

FEB 20 – MAR 20

It is always easier to love someone from afar than to appreciate a

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