Sunday News

OCT 24 – NOV 22


You have seen many new beginnings in your time. You have often heard people proclaim the onset of some great change and been unimpresse­d. Yet you should not be too quick to dismiss an exciting suggestion now being made. Every so often pleasant surprises come to our lives and even the most entrenched patterns eventually start to change. Not everything is about to start afresh in a wonderful way . . . but something is. For a prediction filled with potential for positive change call 0900 300 22.

DEC 22 – JAN 20

Mars moves into your sign this week, bringing strength and stamina. There is a most encouragin­g suggestion of imminent success. Although it is true that this planetary placement also implies the need to work very hard and to endure uncomforta­ble challenges, the gains you look set to make soon will far outweigh any compromise­s, or even sacrifices, life appears to be requesting from you. The power planet Mars can bring magic to you. Pick up the phone, 0900 300 22.

MAR 21 – APR 20

Should you try to be sensible? Is there some practical plan that you ought to pursue, even though a part of you feels tempted to be more emotionall­y expressive, regardless of the consequenc­es? Moderation is a fine thing but there are times when folk who behave too nicely get lumbered with problems that less easygoing characters manage to avoid. As Mars now moves into a new sector of the sky, remember that being reasonable doesn’t involve accepting something that is unreasonab­le. Find out how Mars can help fulfil your ambitions this week. Call 0900 300 22.

JUN 23 – JUL 23

Where would you like to be right now? If it is somewhere significan­tly different to the place where you actually are, why are you compromisi­ng? You really do have the power now to start bringing about some surprising, impressive and long-lasting changes. But to start making them actually happen, you need to trust (and be honest with) yourself. Let me talk you through the potential you have this week. Call 0900 300 22.

AUG 24 – SEP 23

Why must you strive to reach an agreement? What if a deal never gets done or an understand­ing can’t be reached? What options will become closed to you? What price will you have to pay? When you envisage dire consequenc­es, are you working on the basis of an informed assessment or an overactive imaginatio­n? You are not obliged to resolve an issue or eradicate a problem this week. You can play for time because time is on your side. Find out how Mars can bring powerful energy to your week. Call 0900 300 22.

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