Sunday News

Some of the best from earlier this year


WE have just purchased two rabbits which are 9 weeks old. We want to keep them inside our house so are wanting advice on training them to use a litter tray.

Rabbits can usually be trained to use a litter tray, but remember there may be a few accidents especially for younger rabbits. Keep them confined to a small room and obtain possibly two litter trays. Line the trays with paper and use shredded paper or straw for litter. Place some of their droppings in the litter trays initially and change them daily. Hang some quality hay above and to one side of the litter trays as this will encourage them to use the trays. Once they are reliably using the litter trays you can let them into other rooms in the house. When they are old enough, have them desexed as they are easier to train when neutered.

Bud, my 1-year-old bull terrier, has a problem with his mouth. His lower left fang is not in its normal position as it is inside his upper fang and is digging into the roof of his mouth. It is creating a sore here and food is trapped. I don’t want to have the tooth removed, so what other options are available?

As Bud’s lower fang or canine tooth is inside his upper canine it would not be possible to move the tooth using an acrylic insert in the roof of his mouth. Possibly the solution would involve making the tooth shorter by cutting off the upper point of the crown and then replacing the pulp cavity and capping the tooth. This would mean the shortened tooth would no longer strike the roof of his mouth. You will need to get your vet to refer you to a veterinary dental specialist who would advise the best treatment. There is one specialist who practices in Auckland.

 ??  ?? Roxy is beautiful and cuddly.
Roxy is beautiful and cuddly.
 ??  ?? Pinky, the English bull terrier, chases rabbits in her sleep.
Pinky, the English bull terrier, chases rabbits in her sleep.

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