Sunday News

Pick of the bunch


What’s the difference between oats?

What better way to start the day than with a steaming bowl of porridge. But which oats are best – wholegrain, rolled or steel cut?

Nutrition comment

There is no doubt oats are nutritiona­l heroes. They are an excellent source of fibre, including types that lower cholestero­l and protect gut health. They are low in kilojoules yet rich in antioxidan­ts, B vitamins, and certain minerals.

Their stabilisin­g effect on blood sugar levels makes them an excellent choice for people with, or at risk of, diabetes. Nutritiona­lly, all three types of oats are similar as they are all made from the whole grain with bran and germ intact.

However, the various ways of processing does lead to other difference­s – in cooking speed, texture, and effect on blood sugar and satiety.

Bottom line

All three varieties are excellent choices nutritiona­lly and ticked the boxes with our tasters. The steel cut and wholegrain have slight nutritiona­l advantages in being slightly slower to digest, but the rolled are easier and quicker to cook. Go with what you prefer and enjoy, knowing you are looking after your health. ● Products are tested by NZ Registered nutritioni­st Bronwen King and a diverse, randomly selected group. opposes restrictin­g Saturn, the person who least understand­s your predicamen­t is probably the one you most need to put off. For more call 0900 30022.

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