Sunday News

Happiness is being around ‘people I love’

Thievery Corporatio­n’s Rob Garza talks to Mike Alexander.


For the past 22 years United States DJs and producers Rob Garza and Eric Hilton have been at the forefront of modern electronic­a and mashing up the sounds of the world. When they set up their own label and lounge bar in Washington DC – Eighteenth St Lounge – they had no idea it would go global. We released an album last year called The Temple of I that we recorded in Port Antonio, Jamaica. Right now, we are releasing a companion piece called Treasures from the Temple. It’s a continuati­on and features some gems. Having peace of mind in whatever type of situation I’m in and being around the people I love, doing what I love. Probably my father. He never ceases to be a great sounding board. We have one bus we call the Holy Roller where the environmen­t is a bit more, tame and calm. In the other bus, Liquor Wagon, only the strong survive. I usually sleep on the driver’s side of the Liquor Wagon and exit the bunk to my right.

One night I fell asleep across the aisle on the passenger side of the Holy Roller. When I woke up I tried to exit to the right and hit the bus wall. I was confused and thought I had been somehow trapped. I thought I’d been buried alive only I could hear all of my band mates laughing. Probably my laptop, because that’s where my music lives - and I haven’t backed it up in a little while. When I travelled with World Food Program in an old Russian helicopter visiting monasterie­s, villages and glaciers.

You always hear of these helicopter accidents up there where the weather can change at the drop of a dime. It was exhilarati­ng and beautiful. The desire to transform negative situations into positive situations. I would probably go back to 1960s Rio de Janeiro because I’m influenced by the music and things were vibrant. To lead a life that’s soulful and to care for others. I don’t surf but when I see profession­als surfing I’m like, ‘man that probably has to be one of the biggest rushes’.

 ??  ?? DJs and producers Rob Garza, left, and Eric Hilton have released a new album called Treasures from the Temple.
DJs and producers Rob Garza, left, and Eric Hilton have released a new album called Treasures from the Temple.

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