Sunday News

MP’s Twitter ‘senior moment’


NATIONAL list MP Alfred Ngaro, pictured, said he had a ‘‘senior moment’’ when he mistakenly retweeted a comment that called global warming a ‘‘scam’’.

The tweet was deleted yesterday morning, after Ngaro retweeted a comment from another Twitter-user on Friday, in response to a tweet by

National’s Judith Collins.

Collins’ tweet drew attention to a news report that Ngaro asked 4500 written questions in Parliament in 2018, including more than 1000 in one day – the most by any Opposition MP.

‘‘Good, hard working Opposition MPs holding a government to account,’’ Collins tweeted.

In response, Twitter-user Andre – a self described ‘‘classic-libertaria­n minarchist’’ – asked if National would be any different from Labour when it returned to government and listed five outcomes of a government change, including: ‘‘No ‘Global warming’ scam ETS’’.

Ngaro said he was out for a walk on Friday when he saw Collins’ tweet. ‘‘I thought I was retweeting Judith Collins’ tweet about that article,’’ Ngaro said. ‘‘What I didn’t realise was I was retweeting a reply from someone who had put it on the tweet.’’

He said it was ‘‘one of those senior moments . . . Even my children say to me when I’m on FaceTime, ‘Dad, you’ve got to make sure we’re not just talking to your forehead’’’.

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