Sunday News

Priest puts his faith in solar power for epic voyage


A Russian Orthodox priest turned voyager who has rowed thousands of kilometres across the Southern Ocean and flown around the world in a hot-air balloon is to harness the power of the sun in his latest feat of endurance.

Fyodor Konyukhov, 69, aims to make the first solo crossing of the Pacific Ocean using a solarpower­ed electric catamaran. Nova, his 11-metre carbon-fibre boat, is being built by a British company.

Between 2018 and 2019, Konyukhov rowed solo for over 11,000 kilometres from Dunedin to Cape Horn. In 2016, he set a world record for the fastest solo trip around the world in a hot-air

balloon of 11 days, enduring temperatur­es as low as minus 50

degrees C. . He places great store in Orthodox Church icons of St

Nicholas attached to the interior of his craft.

In December, Konyukhov will begin a 15,000km journey from Valparaiso, Chile to Brisbane, which is expected to take four months.

Nova will depend entirely on energy produced by flexible solar modules covering the deck and hulls. These are expected to generate about 36 kilowatt hours of energy per day, powering navigation equipment, a desalinati­on system, and electric motors.

Twenty-four rechargeab­le batteries weighing 22 kilograms each will store enough energy for the craft to operate continuous­ly for 40 hours if necessary.

Konyukhov’s son, Oscar, is in charge of the expedition. During the journey, Konyukhov will use technology developed by Russia’s Institute of Oceanology to monitor microplast­ics in the ocean.

A veteran of two Mt Everest climbs and three journeys to the North Pole, Konyukhov is renowned for his doughtines­s.

Born in Ukraine, he completed his first expedition at 15 by rowing across the Sea of Azov. He trained as a ship’s mechanic in Leningrad, then became an artist. He has sailed, skied, rafted and climbed in the Arctic, Siberia and Russia’s Far East.

Konyukhov was ordained into the Moscow patriarcha­te in 2010, and said he would temporaril­y give up ‘‘travelling like Moses through the desert’’ to spend more time praying. He could not resist the call of adventure, however.

 ?? IGNACIO PALMA ?? Fyodor Konyukhov rowed across the Southern Ocean from Dunedin to Cape Horn in 2018. He is now planning to travel from Chile to Australia in a solarpower­ed electric catamaran.
IGNACIO PALMA Fyodor Konyukhov rowed across the Southern Ocean from Dunedin to Cape Horn in 2018. He is now planning to travel from Chile to Australia in a solarpower­ed electric catamaran.

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