Sunday News

What I’m Reading: Stephen Tester


This summer, I’ve envied the skills of Robert Harris, whose WW2 thrillers Enigma and V2 provide refreshing portrayals of history-changing female protagonis­ts. I admire how he threads the needle of giving main characters agency beyond their feminine wiles while still being authentic to the societal limitation­s of the time.

Courtroom dramas drew me into the legal profession, and I submit that Rogue Lawyer is John Grisham back to his best. The main character’s subversion of the legal system to champion the underdog has a freshness similar to my favourite Grisham novels from the early 90s.

What I love about historical crime fiction is that it takes me beyond the murder or heist to give me a window into another world. Michael Crichton’s The Great Train Robbery is a classic I’ll re-read time and again to experience the often-bizarre nuances of life in Victorian London, while Steven Saylor’s Roma Sub-Rosa detective series set in Ancient Rome is where I turn for light adult reading reminiscen­t of the Asterix comic books of my childhood.

For true-crime aficionado­s, The Disappeara­nce of Lydia Harvey by Julia

Laite is literary non-fiction with a strong

New Zealand connection which gave me a fascinatin­g insight into internatio­nal sex traffickin­g before WW1. Similarly, Paul French’s City of Devils is crime noir which took me on an exciting ride through the nightlife of 1930s Shanghai.

Finally, from left field, I found The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis (reproduced in the Netflix series) to be eminently readable, even for someone who still refers to knights as horses.

 ?? ?? Stephen Tester is a former criminal defence lawyer who now teaches history at Wellington College. His debut novel,Kiss of Death, is a historical legal thriller set in Wellington in
1918 during the influenza pandemic.
Stephen Tester is a former criminal defence lawyer who now teaches history at Wellington College. His debut novel,Kiss of Death, is a historical legal thriller set in Wellington in 1918 during the influenza pandemic.

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