Sunday Star-Times

Old warriors revisit El Alamein


ABOUT 200 onlookers watched as New Zealand veterans filed into the El Alamein Commonweal­th War Graves Cemetery yesterday.

The spirits of another 1100 New Zealanders seemed to be following proceeding­s too.

They were the dead, the old comrades of the veterans, killed in the battles for Egypt in World War II. A Maori karanga had roused them from their sleep.

The NZ Defence Force Maori Cultural Group performed the karanga and a maimai to accompany the veterans’ entrance. The 21 warriors, who had fought in the African Campaign in World War II, were all in their 90s.

They had come to commemorat­e the 70th anniversar­y of the El Alamein battles.

The veterans were helped up the cemetery steps by the Defence Force carers who have been at their side since the contingent assembled in Auckland a week ago.

The cultural group added colour and vibrancy to the service, with songs and a haka at the close. Principal Chaplain Lance Lukin conducted the service at which the main addresses were made by NZ ambassador to Egypt David Strachan and Defence Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman.

Chief of Army, Major-General Tim Keating, read a piece by New Zealand author and soldier John Mulgan on his view of New Zealand soldiers. One of the veterans, Norman (Leaf) Twig, then read the Soldier’s Psalm, comprising verses from Psalm 91.

After prayers and readings, army bugler Thomas Baker played the Last Post, the flag was lowered, The Ode was recited by NZRSA representa­tive Hawea (Guv) Grey and wreaths laid.

Veterans and other visitors mingled among the headstones following the service. Old Timaru soldier Andrew McGovern was joined by his daughter Jo and granddaugh­ter Louise, who had travelled from Dubai, where they have lived for two years, to be with him.

Other travellers from New Zealand were there, and a contingent of Australian­s. The Australian­s were to hold a similar service this morning. An internatio­nal service was to follow about noon.

The Kiwi contingent was to start its journey home today, with overnight stops at Dubai, Kuala Lumpur and Darwin, to keep the old warriors fresh. One veteran fell ill in Dubai on the way to El Alamein but was expected to recover quickly.

 ?? Photo: Reuters ?? Commemorat­ive wreath: New Zealand’s Chief of Army Major General Tim Keating, left, and Sergeant Major Danny Broughton attend a ceremony to commemorat­e the 70th anniversar­y of the Battle of El Alamein.
Photo: Reuters Commemorat­ive wreath: New Zealand’s Chief of Army Major General Tim Keating, left, and Sergeant Major Danny Broughton attend a ceremony to commemorat­e the 70th anniversar­y of the Battle of El Alamein.

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