Sunday Star-Times

Child abuse

- Jim Hibbs, Name supplied, K. Gore,

PAULA BENNETT’S plan to get on top of New Zealand’s shocking child abuse is being criticised via the normal rubbish, such as the Government spending $30 million on the America’s Cup. Hang on, who committed the Government to that spending? Trevor Mallard. But it’s his party that is most critical of Bennett. Strange, that. ADAM DUDDING did a good piece ( Sunday Star-Times, October 14) about sex offenders. It is a special interest of mine, having been raped by an abused child who became an abusive man, then spent the next 11 years trying to get the profession­al treatment care rehabilita­tion and justice services I was entitled to under ACC, mental health and justice legislatio­n.

Two things stood out. Firstly the authoritie­s have decided they can do nothing for the 50 per cent of abused children who go on to abuse as adults – rubbish. And that is what ACC is supposed to do, and has supposedly been doing for the last 40 years – yeah right.

Secondly, just how profession­al and comprehens­ive the treatment and rehabilita­tion are. Offenders have gardens, people with them, things to do, access to healthcare, good food, warm dry housing, no responsibi­lities: compare that to what their victims get. our drinking culture, but they have a product to sell and, by showing a sensible stance on drinking, we can only congratula­te them.

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