Sunday Star-Times

Assassinat­ion exposes divide


WISSAM AL-HASSAN knew he was a marked man. Last week, as he briefed Lebanon’s opposition leaders on the case on which he had staked his career, the spy chief told them that assassins were again stalking the country.

Virtually besieged in their homes since the early summer, his hosts hardly needed the warning.

Hassan brought with him evidence that he said strengthen­ed the case against his highest-profile target, Lebanon’s ex informatio­n minister, Michel Samaha, whom he alleged had collaborat­ed with Syrian officials to plot bombings – like the very one that killed the veteran major general yesterday.

He died when a bomb in east Beirut blew up the car he was in during the rush hour, killing at eight others and injuring 78 more. The UN security council and Secretary General Ban Ki- moon immediatel­y condemned the deadly attack.

A feared spillover of the violence in Syria into deeply fragile and sectarian Lebanon had been edging ever closer to inevitable. The melting pot of the region has barely been holding together as Syria boiled, its fragmented sects increasing­ly drawn into a conflict that the Lebanese had dreaded but could do little to stop.

The case Hassan had built against Samaha was highly unusual in Lebanon, where bigwigs are rarely taken on. Those such as Samaha with powerful connection­s are virtually untouchabl­e. This case was different, Hassan said. Not just because of the weight of evidence against the accused, who had allegedly been taped by an aide acknowledg­ing that he had been given explosives by the Syrian national intelligen­ce chief, Ali Mamlouk.

Added to that were the former minister’s allegedly incriminat­ing phone calls: he had apparently recorded his key conversati­ons, then downloaded them to his computer. Prosecutio­n briefs rarely come stronger.

Syrian officials made no secret of their demand for Samaha to be freed and the case against him dropped. But Hassan defied them, a move deemed crazy by his detractors and seen as an act of nation-building by his supporters, who saw the crumbling of power in Syria as an overdue chance for Lebanon to assert its sovereignt­y against its interferin­g neighbour.

Western officials in Beirut were heartened by Hassan’s doggedness. Before the Samaha case, Hassan was already the most important anti- Syrian official in Lebanon. As head of the informatio­n unit of the internal security forces, he was one of the country’s two main intelligen­ce chiefs.

Military intelligen­ce is the other key player, historical­ly aligned to Syria and to the roughly half of Lebanese leaders, known as the 8 March alliance, who have remained supportive of Damascus throughout its civil war.

Hassan was a patron of the 14 March bloc, named after the day former prime minister Rafik Hariri was killed in 2005. No assassinat­ion since then – until yesterday – had so rocked Lebanon to its core.

Assassins have long been a part of the Lebanese body politic. As Syria has deteriorat­ed throughout the year, every senior 14 March member has at one point been warned of a threat to their life.

Fears of the Syrian crisis spilling over into Lebanon have been a constant refrain from both sides – one of the few things that the implacably split Lebanese political class can agree on. The Lebanese have spoken of a newfound resilience where the various sects may not trust each other, but do not want to return to civil war.

The assassinat­ion of such a highprofil­e figure and patron of the anti-Assad bloc could change all that. Fingers were already being pointed by 14 March. Tyres were ablaze on Beirut’s main roads. Gunfire was rattling through parts of the capital and Tripoli. Hassan told his backers last week that he would stand on principle no matter the cost. Lebanon is a far more dangerous place without him.

 ?? Photos: Reuters ?? Shattered peace: Wissam al-Hassan, left, was killed when a huge car bomb exploded in a Beirut street yesterday. A wounded woman is comforted, above.
Photos: Reuters Shattered peace: Wissam al-Hassan, left, was killed when a huge car bomb exploded in a Beirut street yesterday. A wounded woman is comforted, above.
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