Sunday Star-Times



By Uri Friedman Americans have some astonishin­g misconcept­ions about internatio­nal affairs.

As The Washington Post’s Dylan Matthews explained last month, the baffling fact that 15 per cent of Ohio Republican­s believe Mitt Romney deserves more credit than Barack Obama for killing Osama bin Laden may have as much to do with polling psychology and sampling error as with self-delusion or ignorance.

But here are some other statistics that may surprise you: 41 per cent of Americans believe China is the world’s leading economic power, according to a 2012 Pew poll (the correct answer is the United States, which 40 per cent of respondent­s selected). 73 per cent of Americans could not identify communism as America’s main concern during the Cold War, according to Newsweek, which administer­ed an official citizenshi­p test in 2011. 9 per cent of Americans frequently worry about becoming victims of terrorism, according to a 2011 AP-GfK poll ( Reason magazine has calculated that the chances of being killed by a terrorist in the US are roughly one in 20 million, and that ‘‘in the last five years Americans were four times more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist’’). Nearly 25 per cent of Americans don’t know that the country the US had declared its independen­ce from in 1776 was Great Britain, according to a 2011 Marist poll. 71 per cent of Americans believe that Iran already has nuclear weapons, according to a 2010 CNN/Opinion Research Corporatio­n poll (Israel, the US and the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency would beg to differ). The average American thinks that the US spends 27 per cent of its federal budget on foreign aid, according to a 2010 World Public Opinion poll (the correct figure is more like 1 percent). 33 per cent of Americans believed as late as 2007 that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks, according to a CBS News/ New York Times poll (it’s worth noting that the number was down from 53 percent in 2003, and that more recent polls suggest the percentage has continued to decline since 2007). 88 per cent of young Americans couldn’t find Afghanista­n on a map, 75 percent couldn’t locate Iran or Israel, and 63 percent couldn’t identify Iraq, according to a 2006 Roper Public Affairs/National Geographic Society poll.

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