Sunday Star-Times

Celibate gays can become bishops


THE CHURCH of England has lifted a ban on gay male clergy who live with their partners from becoming bishops – on the condition that they pledge to stay celibate.

The move threatens to reignite an issue that has split the 80 million- strong global Anglican community.

The issue of homosexual­ity has driven a rift between Western and African Anglicans since a Canadian diocese approved blessings for same-sex couples in 2002 and United States Anglicans in the Episcopal Church appointed an openly gay man as a bishop in 2003.

The Church of England, which is struggling to remain relevant in modern Britain, with falling numbers of believers, is already under pressure after voting narrowly last November to maintain a ban on women becoming bishops.

The church said the House of Bishops, one of its most senior bodies, had ended an 18-month moratorium on the appointmen­t of gays in civil partnershi­ps as bishops.

Gay clergy in civil partnershi­ps will be eligible for the position of bishop – if they make the pledge to remain celibate, as is already the case for gay deacons and priests.

‘‘ The House has confirmed that clergy in civil partnershi­ps, and living in accordance with the teaching of the church on human sexuality, can be considered as candidates for the episcopate,’’ the Bishop of Norwich, Graham James, said.

‘‘The House believed it would be unjust to exclude from considerat­ion for the episcopate anyone seeking to live fully in conformity with the church’s teaching on sexual ethics or other areas of personal life and discipline.’’

The church teaches that couples can only have sex within marriage, and that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Britain legalised civil partnershi­ps in 2005, forcing the church to consider how to treat clergy living in same-sex unions.

The church ruled that a civil partnershi­p was not a bar to a clerical position, provided the cleric remained celibate, but failed to specifical­ly address the issue of when the appointmen­t was of a bishop.

In July 2011, launched a review this omission.

The review came a year after a gay cleric living in a civil partnershi­p was reportedly blocked from becoming a bishop in south London.

It was the second setback for Jeffrey John, who would have become a bishop in 2003 but was forced to withdraw from the nomination after an outcry from church conservati­ves.

Rod Thomas, chairman of the conservati­ve evangelica­l group Reform, said the church’s move on gay bishops would provoke further dispute. the church to deal with

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