Sunday Star-Times

A restless mind

Robin Williams was a performer who aspired to move beyond default formula, Mark Lawson writes.

- Guardian News & Media

WHEREAS THE oldest generation of Hollywood stars has cheerfully challenged average life expectancy – Kirk Douglas, 97, Angela Lansbury, 88, Clint Eastwood, 84 – the relative juniors of the profession are dismayingl­y starting to mock actuarial tables in the wrong direction: within two winters, we have lost James Gandolfini at 51, Philip Seymour Hoffman at 46 and now Robin Williams, 63.

The fact that all three actors had suffered serious addictions and depression suggests that fame lessons and psychologi­cal counsellin­g should perhaps be added to the curriculum of drama schools.

Possibly the problem is that the theory about great performing talent deriving from some psychic wound is often cruelly true. You didn’t need to be a trained psychologi­st to diagnose a colloquial­ly ‘‘manic’’ aspect in many of Williams’ performanc­es as a stand-up: switching between different voices and characters as if too restless to settle on one way of being.

These improvisat­ional skills – a rare ability in American showbiz where improv isn’t a standard rehearsal tool – brought him his career break. In 1978, he claimed the part of Mork, an alien in the sitcom Mork and Mindy, not through the usual audition tactic of an inspiratio­nal rendition of the script but, when offered a chair, by standing on his head.

Such inventive energy was one of Williams’ two driving qualities as an actor and comedian, the other being – less convention­ally – sweetness. Characteri­stically, his Mork was neither frightenin­g nor frightened – the two default fictional positions for tourists from the universe – but really nice and a little bit silly.

A similar spirit was invested in several stand-out movie roles: as an unconventi­onal but inspiratio­nal English teacher in Peter Weir’s Dead Poet’s Society (1989); a sort of holy fool in The Fisher King (1991), directed by Terry Gilliam; and a goodhumour­ed therapist, for which he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, in Gus Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting (1997).

This desire to play likeable guys incurred the dislike of some critics, who found Williams’ film CV too dependent on these secular saints.

But his underlying pleasantne­ss was key to his stand-up act, which – even when dealing with dark material such as addiction or divorce – relied more on verbal virtuosity than vitriol.

And, if Williams could have a default formula, he consciousl­y tried to go beyond it. In common with Gandolfini and Seymour Hoffman, he set himself huge profession­al tests in what proved to be his final years, although neither his reputation nor his finances needed boosting. It was notably bold of Williams to make his Broadway acting debut in 2011, after fairly recent major heart surgery. (He had co-starred in a 1988 off-Broadway Waiting for Godot with Steve Martin, a comedian with a similar sentimenta­l-melancholi­c quality, which often led to confusion between them in the public mind.)

The vehicle for Williams’ debut in major New York theatre was a characteri­stically quirky part: in Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo by Rajiv Joseph, he played the title character, who was not merely an animal but a ghost, having died before the action.

Although a few small roles followed – including a neat dramatic cameo as President Eisenhower in the film The Butler – it seems somehow fitting that Williams’ major acting career should have begun with an extraterre­strial on television and ended with a spectral beast of prey in theatre. Such casting suggests a sensibilit­y that was not quite of this world and, tragically, seems to have derived from a personalit­y that was finally unable to be at ease in it.

 ?? Photo: Reuters ?? Action man: Robin Williams relied more on verbal virtuosity than vitriol to create his funny-man routines.
Photo: Reuters Action man: Robin Williams relied more on verbal virtuosity than vitriol to create his funny-man routines.

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