Sunday Star-Times



A LONG time ago, coming to work to use a computer was amazing as its big screen and whizzy speeds were so much better than your clunky PC at home.

But times have changed and most people have computers at home that are faster and nicer to use than those at work.

Moving between your work and home setup can be frustratin­g and can chew into your precious time.

However, there are a few things you can do to make your work setup a bit better without drawing the wrath of your IT department.

Getting a new, bigger screen can improve the time you spend on your computer.

Screen technology has changed a lot in the past few years and a new one will be a vast improvemen­t if your screen is more than three years old. Try asking for something bigger than what you’ve got (it’s better for viewing multiple apps at once) or if you’re feeling lucky ask for a second screen that you can dedicate to one app to avoid switching back and forth.

If you are an Apple fan who uses a Window’s based-PC at work, an Apple keyboard will reduce mis-strokes. It will cost only $75, which is a small investment for increased productivi­ty.

Another cheap fix is to ask for more RAM. If your computer is struggling to handle several apps at once, this will help and it is cheap and easy to install for your IT staff.

Now all you need to do is convince your boss that a small investment will result in a big rise in your productivi­ty.

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