Sunday Star-Times

Tough road for transgende­r teens


Morgan Allen believes she’s one of the lucky ones, despite her long battle with depression and anxiety.

She came out to her parents as transgende­r earlier this year after a long struggle to find her true identity.

‘‘I did it by literally writing a note that said ‘I’m transgende­r’ and left it downstairs,’’ she said. ‘‘And my mum was the one who found the note.

‘‘She was originally confused, kind of ‘what the hell is this, what are you talking about?’ But after a couple of weeks we sat down and had a conversati­on about it, and since then she’s been unbelievab­ly supportive.

‘‘My dad is also fully onboard. They’re very much of the mentality that they’d rather have a happy child than a dead one.’’

Allen went through school as a boy named James, but knew she was different from around the age of eight. It wasn’t easy.

‘‘I was always one of the kids at school who was targeted by bullies.’’

Today is Transgende­r Day of Remembranc­e, an annual event that highlights the suffering of the transgende­r community.

Dr Jaimie Veale from Waikato University, who has spent years studying transgende­r health, says the latest Adolescent Health Survey of 8500 Kiwi teens shows nearly half transgende­r high-school students had self-harmed in the past 12 months, and one in five had attempted suicide.

RainbowYou­th general manager Duncan Matthews believes schools could go a lot further to support students who are struggling with their gender identity.

He said the current guidelines were open to interpreta­tion, and some principals refused to accept their school may have transgende­r or gender-diverse students.

For Allen, finding her true identity has been a major milestone.

‘‘After coming out there was this huge weight lifted, a feeling that I didn’t need to hide behind this person that I wasn’t.’’

 ??  ?? Morgan Allen grew up as James, before coming out as trans this year.
Morgan Allen grew up as James, before coming out as trans this year.

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