Sunday Star-Times

#Ask Jaquie

Let’s all fight Brian Tamaki’s hateful message with an act of love, writes


Idon’t go to church anymore. But if I did, I’d be sure to attend St Matthew’s In-theCity. Nestled right in the heart of Auckland’s CBD and a few doors down from the Auckland City Mission, over the years it has become a local voice for human rights. The church is committed to serving the socially marginalis­ed and welcoming them. It ministers to a gay and lesbian congregati­on, has a pro-gay marriage stance and their vicar is a woman. If this is what it is to go to church, then I’m in. I have patchy biblical knowledge but from what I remember from Sunday School, Jesus seemed like a peaceful, chilled out dude. He wore sandals, chatted to prostitute­s, loved wine. He tried to understand and help people who were suffering. That’s something I like the sound of. Perhaps I’m picking and choosing the bits I want.

I remember some loopy Bible facts, too – that it was a punishable sin to eat shrimp and to wear linen and wool at the same time. Presumably because the dry cleaning bill would be a nightmare.

I suppose things had a different meaning back then and don’t translate today.

To that end, it would be incredibly stupid to take the Bible literally. People would think you were insane and should be locked up.

To think that an earthquake was the Earth telling mankind off for something. We know better than that. We know it’s not our fault, it’s a fault line. Well, most people know that, apart from Bishop Brian Tamaki.

Even typing his name is something for which I feeI the need to apologise to my fingers.

I don’t want to give him any more air time but if this week has taught me anything it’s that now, more than ever, we can’t be passive. We need to stand up for what we believe in. Fight the good fight to raise the world and it’s people up, not keep them down with hate and fear.

Brian Tamaki’s comments this week that the Earthquake was caused by the sinners, murders and gays are despicable.

How dare he, under the cover of a religion where the very essence of it is to be Christlike, and be understand­ing, accepting and tolerant – help thy neighbour, do unto others as you’d have them to do unto you.

That he can plant the idea in his congregati­on’s impression­able minds that to be gay is to be wrong at a time where so many New Zealanders are suffering from this tragedy – my blood is boiling.

Know this, Brian Tamaki, (sorry again, fingers) your point of view is harmful and I won’t stand for it. I’m channellin­g my feelings into something good and am donating to Rainbow Youth; a charity that’s dedicated to supporting our gender diverse youth and their communitie­s. I urge anyone reading this to do the same.

Every action of hate you encounter, fight back with one of love:

I have patchy biblical knowledge but from what I remember from Sunday School, Jesus seemed like a peaceful, chilled out dude. Jaquie Brown.

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